Hi, my name is Patricia. I´m 15 years old, I live in Seville . My father´s name is Carlos and my mother´s name is Rosario. I have got a sister , her name is Cristina.
My hobby is swimming , I go to a pool in Virgen de los Reyes, I swim crowl, breaststroke and back. We sometimes play waterpolo too. Other hobby is listening to music. I have got an ipod with my favourite songs.
I like hanging out with my friends to cinema, disco, shopping, dinner in a restaurant... We go to many places together. Last saturday ,my friend Carmen made a party in her house. There were many people from our school. On the party, we dance, sing, eat pizza... This is very funny!
My friends are Paula, Carmen and Elena. They are funny people. My best friend is Paula, she is a intelligent person . She is blond and has blue eyes. I know her since I was 8 years old. We go to the cinema, shopping and Sundays we go to the park behind my home. She is a great person.
I love travel! I traveled to Rome, London, Paris, Croatia, Barcelona, Santander, Zaragoza.... My favorite place was Croatia. In this place I go to the three islands and I can see the seabed. I went with my sister and her friend Sandra.
Id like going to New York, California and Miami. These place are very beatiful! I can saw in the photos.
My favorite animal is the dolphing. It is a beatiful animal and it swim very fast. I have got a dog, its name is Toy is brown and small. It is nervous and sweet. It is small but it run very fast.
I´m in Esclavas school. my favorite subject is lenguage.
My favourite food are pizza and pasta, and I don´t like vegetables .