Puky,andrea's cat, kill our little and charming cat: ''Shity''. It was a rare name for a cat but wedecide that its name must be about the aspect of the cat, you can remember thta the cat wascoveres of shit...
Well it was a dark,cold and scary night well?, Well, we were so scary because in all the house we can listen a monotematic noise,plac,plac,plac,plac...
We listen every second,every moment,every hour,plac,plac,plac...

We were to nervous,when someone knock to the door...Andrea says:
-Who is at the door?
And nothing happened..
-Who is at the door?-repeat Andrea.
And in this moment we listened a strange and sacry voice who says:
We shout and run down the stairs and when we were in the street we didn't know what to do...
Andrea says that the best thing to do must call too the police but I think that it was a terrible idea because the police won't believe us.
But a moment later Andrea has a great idea:
-Why don't we call to the house to know who is?
-Ok, but you call, I am not going to call and talk with it.
-Ok I call...
Andrea call to her house and someone take the phone on but he/she/it doesn't talk.
Andrea says:
-Who are you?
And no answer.
-Who are you?
Repeat Andrea, but he haven't got an answer...
I say, that now the best idea is go up to the bed because the most probable is that we imagine tha appearance, Andrea can't believe bat we are too cold and we are tired for the sucess of the day, We went to sleep and we had terrible nightmares but when we get up the next day we saw a red, and terrible paint in the wall who says:
''Shity was here tonight, Why do you go out?''

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