This christmas´ holidays my family and I were going to New York. When we stated here we were going to Wall Street at 19.00 pm and we wacthed a very important monuments: the statue of liberty. Then, we were going to the restaurant near the our hotel. After that, we went to sleep because it was too late.

The next day my father and I were going to Madison Square Garden at 12.00 pm: this is basketball camp is for the New York Knicks. This was a beautiful dream. When the match started everybody were screaming because was a very important event that day. This basketball camp was very big and very high.
Then, we were going to every clothes shops at 13.00 pm in the center of New York and we climbed the Empire State at 16.00 pm and we eat in one of the tower of Donald Trump. Later we stated in Rockefeller Center: in this place there were a lot of people because there was a ice rink and there was a christmas´ tree in the center.
Finally, we were going to the Dakota Building and wacthed the John Lennon´s mosaic near of his building. The last day we went to China Town for wacthed the all shops. Then we caught the taxi for the airport. This experience was like a beautiful dream come true. This city is very beautiful and spectacular.

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