Hey July! We're waiting you very impatient you know?Do you remember our last summer on the camp?Seville is really better! You'll remember this weekend forever! How we told you (in our never-ending calls) Seville has sometimes a very hot weather and its very amazing. It has many monuments in the centre and we'll visit them if you want.
Well, when you arrive you should wait us in the airport because we are going to get you at home.You can unpack your things and then we'll go to the "Burladero", a special,typical restaurant here. It has the typical Seville's food but you can eat much more. You want to go to the park later?

But it's only the start. The Saturday, if the weather is good, we'll go to the Alcazar and see the amazings gardens and the beautifuls rooms.Later we'll go to the "Spain's square" a tradicional square here.If the weather isn't good we'll go to the cinema at "Nervión Plaza" (a big shopping centre) and later,of course to shopping. Here there are many famous (and expensives) shops but many cheaps too :P.

We want you know a museum, so the sunday we'll go to the "Bellas Artes" museum. Now there are two art exhibitions.The first is about "Murillo" a very important painter borned here.Its beautiful but boring.
The second is about tecnologies. It's really funny. It has some concerts and a class about computers. It show he computer's parts (the mouse,the speakers, the keyboard...).And its has a contest in wich you can win a webcam and an Ipod.
The Sunday at eight o'clock you must to return to Chicago :( We'll be so bad but happy too because you'll be here again in April for the "Feria".We can't wait for the weekend July!
Love,Maca and Ana.Y
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