Francisco Franco Bahamonde was born the 4th of December, 1892 on Ferrol, La Coruña. He was met by Franco. He was an Spanish military. He gorverned Spain from 1936 to 1975. He was the leader of ''Falange Española Tradicionalista y de las Jons''. His ideas were:
- Preserve the Spanish tradicions.
- Preserve catholic religion all over Spain.
- Make a only nation.
- Be agaist freedom side and democratic ideas.
His father was Nicolás Franco and her mother was Pilar Bahamonde.
Later he made Spain an amazing country what had a splendid time. He created a lot of new organitatios like SOCIAL SECURITY, he increased Spanish tourism and itroduced the woman in the world of work.
While his command Spain experimented an economic risen that was over 7 %
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