Rol 1 : Rafa Oriz
Rol 2: Patricia Ortiz
Rol 1: interview
Rol 2 : famous singer , britney spears.
Rol 1: Hi, I can get a interview ?
Rol 2 : Yes, of course!
Rol 1 : you like be famous?
Rol 2 : sometime if others do not . If for fame, money, know many people... But i don´t like because come into my life and I can´t make a regular life.
Rol 1: Britney , what was your first song?
Rol 2 : My first song was " Baby one more time" This song became number 1 in over 21 countries. The song is the break of lover, Is my favourite song.
Rol 1 : Why began to be a singer?
Rol 2: Because my favourite singer was Maddonna and I wanted to be like her. I spent the day imitating. With 6 years old I went to a competitions and sang my first sing with public.
Rol 1 :Do more thing to sing?
Rol 2: Yes, i am dancer , songwriter, designer , model , actress and business.
Rol 1 : How many albums do you have?
Rol 2 :Six , "Baby one more time" , "Oops!... I did it again" , "in the zone" " My prerogative: Greatest Hits" " blackout" and "circus"
Rol 1: the finish questions.. Some perfume is your name?
Rol 2: Yes , Curious , Fantasy , Circus , Fantasy midnight , Believe and Radiance.
Rol 1: Thanks for answer our questions.
Rol 2 : You are welcome.
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