I can still record this summer, I was with my friends mirian and cris, we were lonely, most of our friends can't go to the beach this summer, and we were too bored.. We were at the beach spending our time playing cards, when the sister of a friendweent with a girl,a blonde girl with blue eyes,her name was Clara,she was a pretty girl,too funny and she was too good person too. She become our friend in that moment,and that evening she introduce us her friends: Sofía,Carmen,Rocio...
Clara and I
And we were a bigger group than before, but days later the other group,the boys become our friends too. But a few days later, Clara introduce us a very big group of girls and boys and everyday when we meet,we were an enormous group,and I think that meet Clara is one of the best things that happen in my life,she is a very good friend, and I' too happy of meet her. She is one of my best friends.And this summer was unforgettable.

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