Big Ben is the nickname for the great bell of the clock at the north of the Palace of Westminster, in London. It is the largest chiming clock and the third tallest clock tower in the world. It is the most important symbol of London. You can't go there without visit it!

It was finished on April 10, 1858. It was built for a new palace, before the
old was destroyed by fire in the night of Octubre 16, 1834. It was built in Neo-gothic style.The tower is formed by a body of stone of 61 square meters and awrought iron end of 35 meters. It is situated on a base of 15 square meters and has 4 watches at 55 meters. In every side of the clock there is an inscription :'DOMINE SALVAM FAC REGINAM NOSTRAM VICTORIAM PRIMAM' wich means "O Lord, keep safe our Queen Victoria the First" . Big Ben is the escenary of some films like "Peter Pan", "Lisa's Wedding" too.
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