Class Activities
Friday, June 10, 2011
My school year
Our school year!
Our school year

We had study very hard to pass the course.
Our favourite subject is physical education because we like sports.
The most difficult subject has been biology and maths.
The easiest subject has been education for citizenship.
In this year we are have many new things and difficult.
We have really wanted to finish the course to go to the beach and not have to study.
We expect to approve all subject.
mc after party
First I go to buy the notebooks, the pencils, the pens, all the things I need to go to school .
At the newt day was the first school day and Marisol select the classes, I be selected in 3 B.
When I start the school course I only hink in the summer and in the bike .
I beging very bad because I don´t aprove all the exams but then I get up in my marks.
Now I ´m going to se my marks from the third evaluation.
our school year
The escond term I fail two and marina fail three is the first year in ESO that I fail a subjet so you can see how difficult is it. There are a lot of subjets but for me the most difficults subjets are Maths and Fisics and Qemestry, because in Maths I don´t understand almost anything and in Fisics and Quemestry is almost the same.
We went to some excursions all the class and it was great. In one excursion we went to ¨Las Minas del rio Tinto¨ we were the three classes 3ºA, 3ºB and 3ºC and it was very good.
All the teachers say that our class is the best, I think is true because we get the bests marks in the course.
This year it has been a great year, the best year.
School year

This curse, we studied a lot because it was too difficult.The first term was easier than others because we were practising subjects that we learned last year.
in my opinion, it's the most difficult course in the high school because last year we didn't do anything compared with this course.
We are very happy because we have been in the same class and we had a great times togethers, and the most important thing is that we have learnt a lot .
theachers have been more stricts because they want to prepare us for nexts , difficults courses.
we thing that we will miss them and they will miss you too
until the next school year

This year in 3rd was the most difficult year in mi life. The most difficult subject this year is Biology, because there are very theory in this subject. I will physics and chemistry is very difficult, but my mark in physics and chemistry s 10. This year I efforts very much, I study every day and I did all the activities, for this my marks there are very good.
Although was a difficult year I I'm happy to be able to enjoy this year. Because I stay with my friendas and I learn very much. I hope all the years are so.
15 años
JOSE MARIA ORTIZ GONZALEZ :pff como hablar de este tio no hay palabras para describirle enun año me ha desmotrado cosas que genten varios años no me han demostrado gracias y sigue asin campeón.
CARLOS CAMPOS PAZ :Bueno papito es un caso a parte que sigas con ese arte que tienes que es muy grande y liala comotu solo sabes marisco recio mayorista no limpio pescado.
GONZALO TRUJILLO VALLEJO: hay mi chino a ti no te exare tantos demenos por que te veré todos los fines de semana patinando pero bueno que eres grande y lo sabes guarda la estampita.
JOSE MORA AGUILAR : TU tu eres mi hermano gracias por todo a ti no hace falta decirte nada mas .
JOSE LUIS DE CASTRO :GRACIAS por este año por haber "ensenñado" ingles que me ha encantado que hallas sido mi último tutor gracias
MIGUEL (EL DE E.F.) : gracias por todo por esos años desde chico siendo mi entrenador
EVA LABRADOR : gracias por todo por enseñarme lo dura que es la vida ,y que is algo lo quieres lucha por ello.
En fin pocas palabras para tanta gente a la que agradecer gracias por todo espero que se ponga una placa en el coelgio como aqui estuvo SAMU MARTIN GALVEZ o algo asin jajajaja gracias y cordial saludo samu(triana)
This course, 3ºB.
Now, we've realized this is the best class in 3º. IN GENERAL, our classmates are very friendly with us, they help you and there is a good atmosphere. This course was intense and we've lived lots of moments, good and bad ones.
Anyway, we're wishing this summer to come. This course was funny and difficult too. After studying lots of months... we NEED holidays!!!
It's not easy that of studying with a very hot weather like Seville's.
For example, if it's rainning, you can study calmly because you're not going to go out with you're friends and you don't have too much things to do at home but, if it's sunny, it's different. If it's sunny you want to go out with your friends, leave home. You don't want to study, just want to go out, somewhere.
So, we hope this summer comes early to enjoy it as much as posible. We wish a great summer to our class.
In this year, we have learnt a lot. many things have happened.
When we started it we didn´t know each other, and now we are best friends, so imagine. It has been one of the most dificult year of our lives, The most dificults subjets were biology and maths and the easiests were futbito and PE. We had to study very hard. We had many new teachers and we didn´t know what was their way of teaching. All that didn´t affect much to our grades, we have scored really high ones.

In this year we won some palms, because Jose Luis de Castro (our English´s teacher and tutor) couldn´t switch on the internet. Also there was a thief in our class, he/they stole some moviles phones and ipods, but at the end a few of them were returned to their owners. We have been to some theatres and in one of them they gave us kit kat (really great chocolae mm :P) we also went to las Minas de Río Tinto, it was boring, we would prefer to go to Isla Mágica (theme park) someday.
We think that we wont forget this year easily. It has been to much! But it hasn´t finished yet, we will make a party in our class in two weeks, that will be the goodbye day.
My school year

This year has been the most dificult beause there were a lot of new subjects: Biology is the worst. My class has been the best of the course and I had met new friends... At first . I didn't know anybody , but I have going met all my companies. With the subjects I have had good luck , because I studied every day. I think I will get good marks. I have met new teachers like Jose Antonio or Jose Luis. All the subjects are really more complicated but funnier too.
The next year I hope meet other people and I hope have new subjects like: tecnic draw...
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
My school year

Our school year
But I couldn't do it alone, Nacho has helped me. He went with me to the airport and we saw the planes that I can take. Suddenly, he saw a dark-haired, tall girl. They crashed accidentally and when they started to talk, they fell in love instead. But there was a trouble: the girl is from New York, so Nacho decided to go with me and with the pretty girl to New York. So we traveled to New Yok in bussines class.
I found a school with a cheerleader team, but after several weeks, I understood that it isn't my world. I am not flexibility enough. When I was in the airport to return to my home, Nacho came, and he ask me to give him my cheerleaders clothes; he had the flexibility that I needed to be cheerleader. So my world brought down and I get crazy.
About the students, we will aproved all the subjects.
My school year
Our favourite moment of the school day is when we play to ping-pong in our free time.
Our favourite subject is Phisical Education but sometimes we don't like when is raining.
The subject that we hate is Maths because we don't understand it.
But this year was a great year and we are agree to finish it.
Love Actually
School year

I´m in third in esclavas school,I to take twelve years old and this year is the last because I went go to other school because I need other place for study.
This year I don´t study english very much because other year passed whith a five and this years I haven´t got a particular teacher and english is was very dificult or me.
I don´t untderstand this subjet and I went study english this summer to pass in september.
our school year
In general we have poblems of conduct with some teachers, with the tutor and more problems for the activities. but with the class we are very happy because is a very good class althought the teachers think very different for our.
this course was been a very good year.
My school year. Inma
The first classes of the new subjects were normally but with the time it were became to be difficult.
In the middle of the course I travelled to Madrid and when I came back I get back all the exams and activities I lost.
In the first term I passed all the subjects with great note but in the second term I went down my notes.
And now, in the third term I hope to take good notes because if I take this, my parents are going to buy me a Blackberry.
We were in 3ºA E.S.O .
Our tutor is Mariví, she is a fantastic tutor, yesterday was her birthday, and we made a surprise.
Thanks to her all was easy.
Our school year
My school year
The school year
This year is very important for our way of the studies we have known new subjects for choose that we want.
This year has been very fast. We have had got lucky because we are in the same class that our friends.
Now, we are ending the course and we are very happy because we are tired of so many school and exams
Statue of Liberty

The Statue of Liberty was a gift for The United Stated from the people of french in 1886, for commemorate the American Declaration of Independence, how a symbol of friendship between countries. Is one of the most famous monuments of the world. The Statue of the Liberty is one of the seven wonders of the world.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Avril Lavigne: When you're gone

I've never felt this way before
Everything that I do
Reminds me of you
And the clothes you left
they lie on my floor
And they smell just like you
I love the things that you do
When you walk away
I count the steps that you take
Do you see how much I need you right now?
When you're gone
The pieces of my heart are missing you
When you're gone
The face I came to know is missing too
And when you're gone
The words I need to hear to always get me through the day
And make it OK
I miss you
We were made for each other
Out here forever
I know we were
Yeah Yeah
All I ever wanted was for you to know
Everything I do I give my heart and soul
I can hardly breathe, I need to feel you here with me
When you're gone
The pieces of my heart are missing you
When you're gone
The face I came to know is missing too
When you're gone
The words I need to hear will always get me through the day
And make it OK
I miss you
The Big Ben

Big Ben is the nickname for the great bell of the clock at the north of the Palace of Westminster, in London. It is the largest chiming clock and the third tallest clock tower in the world. It is the most important symbol of London. You can't go there without visit it!